- The Expressionist: A Gestural Mapping Instrument for Voice and Multimedia Enrichment. The International Journal of New Media, Technology, and the Arts, 2015. Vol.10, Issue 1. ISSN: 2326-9987.
- The Virtual Mandala. In proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA). Vancouver, Canada.
- Tibetan Singing Prayer Wheel: A Hybrid Musical- Spiritual Instrument Using Gestural. In proceedings of NIME2015
- Evaluating the audience’s perception of Real-time Gestural Control and Mapping Mechanisms in Electroacoustic Vocal Performance. In proceedings of NIME2016 and ICMPC14
- Towards Robust Tracking with an Unreliable Motion Sensor Using Machine Learning. In proceedings of NIME2017
- The Impact of Contemplative Practice on "Being Peace and the Power of the Voice" - a Collaberative Project on Music, Meditation, and the Healing Quality of Sound. In proceedings of Virginia Tech Contemplative Practices 2016 Conference